For pregnant women and their support partners
Louisa Shelby MSN, RN, IBCLC, Lactation Program Lead
GSRMC Center for Women and Families
Benton County, Remotely
Lactation and Infant Feeding Basics – Online
In this two hour class you will learn the basics of breastfeeding, and get a good start on your new journey with your baby. Information will include what to expect while breastfeeding, how to establish a good milk supply, prevent and treat common problems, normal infant feeding behavior, pumping, milk storage and more.
It is recommended that this class be taken during or after the sixth month of pregnancy.
Class meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Once you have registered you will receive an invitation and directions to access the virtual class.
Cost: Free, registration required.
To register call Pollywog at 541-917-4884 or email lshelby@samhealth.org.
- 1st Tuesdays
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Ongoing - Online
- Free
- 1st Tuesdays
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Ongoing - Online
- Free