Parent Voice Bloggers Wanted

July 11, 2023, Pollywog Staff

Pollywog is seeking parenting bloggers living and raising children in Linn, Benton, or Lincoln Counties, Oregon, to write original posts for our Parent Voice section. Parent Voice content must be thought-provoking and engaging to parents and families with children ages 0-5 years old.

For some parents, parenting is a roller coaster ride, whereas, for others, it is smooth and joyful. We publish our blog to spread awareness, encouragement, and strategies among parents to improve their parenting skills. We are looking for people who can help to make parenting easier by sharing their experiences or opinions.

We cover parenting children from age 0-5, from pregnancy and birth, raising infants and toddlers, to getting ready for school. You should be aware of community events and parenting resources, and we may ask you to sign up for local parenting classes and/or workshops so you can write about them in your posts. You can share your personal parenting experiences and opinions, interesting observations and lessons, researched information, and just about anything related to raising young children in our area.

This position is as an “independent contractor” and not an employee of Linn-Benton Community College or the Parenting Education Department. We pay $50/per blog and ask that you submit an invoice for blogs published that month at the end of each month.

If you are interested, please email us at

Pollywog is hiring a Parent Voice Blogger

¿Interesado en ser un padre blogger?

¡Pollywog está contratando blogueros (escritores) para nuestro sitio de internet en la sección The Parent Voice!

  • ¿Vive en el condado de Linn, Benton o Lincoln?
  • ¿Tiene hijos de cinco años o menos?
  • ¿Disfrutas escribiendo y compartiendo tus experiencias?

Obtenga más información visitando o envíenos un correo electrónico a

¿Interesado en ser un padre blogger?