The Positive Side of Quarantine
I think we can agree that life before quarantine was busy, at least my life was that way. Family life is demanding and well there is not a lot of time to do it all. Quarantine has made everyone slow down. Due to guidelines many events have been cancelled and there are limited opportunities for large gatherings. Which meant less commitments. I try to find the silver lining and here is what I would say my silver lining is so far.
I am a working mom and I work with a focus on Parent Engagement. From a work perspective I have seen parent engagement skyrocket as schools closed and parents have had to choose but to get involved with their children in education or because the childcare center closed. It is not the most ideal way to increase parent engagement. I have truly enjoyed more time with my children. Honestly, it has taken time to adjust. It was initially overwhelming but I took some steps back, time off to create space and go from there. Through the adjustment period I feel like as a parent I grew. It really came down to compassion and gentleness with my kids because they have had many changes too. At the end of the day I want them to feel loved, by being heard, seen, and known. As a parent that is my special role in their lives and I am thankful for that. This time has made our relationship grow stronger.
I am with my children every minute of the day. How much time I spend with my children now was rare before quarantine. As my children have grown I know how valuable time spent together is. We share every single meal together. The fun part about this is they help cook, setup and I am currently training them on cleaning up. Cooking and cleaning are all great skills that every adult should know and well I am starting my children young, at least as young as they are now.
I have also spent a lot more time with my spouse which was also an adjustment. My husband and I are individually pretty independent people. Luckily, we are able to adjust well, after a few months that is. My husband and I both put in effort this summer to prioritize family time and outdoor adventures. Given what the air quality is now with forest fires I am glad we did that early on and throughout the summer. Having this type of freedom as far as less commitments go is a rare deal so we are taking full advantage. The kids have enjoyed family time and we have made memories that will last a lifetime. Being able to spend time with my spouse is also very nice because it is easy to forget to do so. I appreciate time with him and it is nice to be reminded of the importance of quality time in relationships.
If you haven’t noticed yet what is trending for positive things this quarantine is family time and relationships. I have called up old friends and stayed up to date with current friends. It makes me think of how thankful I am for the memories I have with all my loved ones before quarantine. I also look forward to the times that we do get to enjoy in the future.
Before quarantine I would work out at a local studio and I have now been able to incorporate workout routines at home. My older son has joined me my living room workouts. My younger son likes to do stretching videos with me. We all as a family have tried meditation and breathing exercises. Initially meditating as a family brought forth giggles from my little guy but now we can do it for maybe thirty seconds. I hope we can work our way up to a couple of minutes, we will see.
In addition, I have realized how much stuff I have and I am currently working on simplifying my belongings. The majority of my time these days is spent at home and the children make sure to take out anything and everything

which can overwhelms me. I know I don’t need all the stuff that I have so I am working on getting rid of unnecessary clutter. My husband couldn’t be any happier because he has been advocating for this for some time. The time has come.
I will continue to appreciate my time at home with my family because I know it will not last forever. It is more simpler times in ways. I know once my kids grow up and leave the house I will look back and remember all of the meals shared, morning cuddles and books read together. I hope that you can find ways to enjoy the simplicity of quarantine. Until next time!