My Birth Stories

February 28, 2022
Tiffany shares her birth stories with Carson and Caleb.

The Ups and Downs of Exclusively Pumping

July 6, 2020
Things are going well, even on the days where I’m a tired, milk-soaked mess, asking Delilah how she feels about formula.

My Birth Story, Part 2: The Golden Hour and The Days That Followed

April 13, 2020
The moment I first saw Delilah and they placed her on my chest was a moment I’ll never forget but the rest of that hour that is a blur in my memory.

My Birth Story, Part 1: The Decision to Induce

March 30, 2020
Baby Delilah is here - My Birth Story, Part 1, plus some of the things I thought about childbirth that I found out were wrong!

Preparing for Your Bundle of Joy

March 9, 2020
Prenatal Classes aren’t just for learning about childbirth.