Motherhood and Marriage

April 22, 2024
Your relationship will likely look a little different in the postpartum season, and that is okay. This does not mean neglecting your marriage; communicate with each other and find what works for you as a couple.

Postpartum Recovery Beyond Six Weeks

April 15, 2024
It was easy to find information about what to expect immediately postpartum, but I did not see much about recovery after the first few months. I felt like my body was permanently damaged and worried that I would always have discomfort.

Choosing Toothpaste

April 8, 2024
Every day, my patients ask me about toothpaste and which one they should use. There are so many options, which can be overwhelming when looking at the many products on the store shelves.

The Comparison Trap

March 25, 2024
Was I doing something wrong? Not doing enough? Was I failing my daughter?

A Day in the Life of a Baby

March 11, 2024
As a stay-at-home mom, I aim to use our time wisely and create enriching experiences and learning opportunities for my daughter. Here is how I fill our time!

Do you know your cavity risk?

March 11, 2024
Once you and your dental provider know your risk of cavities, you can plan the best way to move forward to help decrease the chance of more.

Flying with Our Nine-Month-Old Baby

February 26, 2024
This month, we traveled across the country with our nine-month-old daughter, Camille. It was our first time flying with our baby, and we received a lot of great advice from other parents before the trip.

Navigating Housework as a New Mom

February 19, 2024
Getting work completed around the house looks different in different seasons, and I know it will continue to evolve as needed.

Breastfeeding is a Journey

February 12, 2024
I feel like ‘journey’ is the best word to describe my experience of providing Isaiah with breastmilk due to all of the ups, downs, and changes in directions that I faced along the way.

Creating Healthy Habits as a Family

January 29, 2024
My husband and I have struggled to prioritize our health and well-being like we were able to before we had our daughter. We have spent a lot of time discussing how we can improve in these areas together as a family and how to incorporate our daughter into these lifestyle changes.